Below are the most current publications. For a more extensive list of publications use this link.

The latest scientific/technical articles published:

=2 SUSY and the Hexipentisteriruncicantitruncated 7-Simplex“, Aleksander J. Cianciara (Brown U), Zachary Coleman (Pepperdine U), S. James Gates, Jr. (U of Maryland), Tom Youngik (Brown U), Ziyang Zhang (Brown U), (Apr 19, 2023)
e-Print: 2304.09830 [hep-th]

“Towards A Direct Detection of the Spin of Dark Matter”, Leah Jenks (Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. and Chicago U., EFI and Chicago U., KICP0, Konstantinos (Univ. of Maryland), Evan McDonough (Winnipeg U.), Stephon Alexander (Brown U.), S. James Gates (Univ of Maryland), (Dec 14, 2022) e-Print: 2212.07442 [hep-ph]

“Modern Tensor-Spinor Symbolic Algebra Algorithms and Computing Non-Closure Geometry & Holoraumy in 11D, N = 1 Supergravity”, S. James Gates (Univ of MD), Isaiah B. Hilsenrath (Univ. of MD), Saul Hilsenrath (Univ of MD), (Dec 1, 2022), e-Print: 2212.00614 [hep-th]

“In Search of Excellence and Equity in Physics”, Emanuela Barzi, S. James Gates, Roxanne Springer, (Mar 19, 2022) Contribution to: 2022 Snowmass Summer Study, e- Print: 2203.10393 [physics.soc-ph]

“Superspace BRST/BV Operators of Superfield Gauge Theories”, Ioseph Lvovich Buchbinder (Tomsk Pedagogical Inst. and TUSUR, Tomsk), Sylvester James Gates, Jr. (Brown U.), Konstantinos Koutrolikos (Brown U.) (Dec 24, 2021) Published in: Symmetry 14 (2022) 2, 256 • e-Print: 2112.13059 [hep-th]

“Cluster Superalgebras and Stringy Integrals”, S. James Gates (Brown U. (main) S.-N. Hazel Mak (Brown U.) Marcus Spradlin (Brown U.) Anastasia Volovich (Brown U.)(Nov 15, 2021) e-Print: 2111.08186 [hep-th]

“On 1D, N = 4 Supersymmetric SYK-Type Models (II)”, S. James Gates (Brown U.), Yangrui Hu (Brown U.), S.-N. Hazel Mak (Brown U.) (Oct 29, 2021) e-Print: 2110.15562 [hep-th]